After you have installed SQL Server 2017 with Machine Learning Services, you may notice a couple of interesting things. One is that by default you will have 20 new users created. These user ids are by default named MSSQLSQLServer01, MSSQLSQLServer02, MSSQLSQLServer03… MSSQLSQLServer20, but if you have a named instance, like I have called SQLServer2017, the users are named with the named instance. There is a subdirectory created for each User ID with is by default located in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ExtensibilityDataExternal . You do not want to remove these User IDs or rename them. You may be wondering Why do you have all of these User IDs to use Machine Learning Services and what are they for? Keep on reading to find the answer
SQL Server Launchpad and User IDs
When calling external processes, internally SQL Server uses User IDs to call the Launchpad service, which is installed as part of Machine Learning Services and must be running for SQL Server to be able to execute code written in R or Python. The number of users is set by default. To change the number of users, open up SQL Server Configuration Manager by typing SQLServerManager14.msc at the run prompt. For some unknowable reason Microsoft decided to hide this application which was previously available by looking at the installed programs on the server. Now for some reason they think everyone should memorize this obscure command. Once you have the SQL Server Configuration Manager open, right click on the SQL Server Launchpad service and select the properties which will show the window, as shown below. You will notice I am running an instance called SQLServer2017 which is listed in parenthesis in the window name.
Clicking on the Advanced Tab shows an entry for External Users Count, which is shown highlighted. This value is set by default to 20 users. This means that 20 different threads can concurrently call an R or Python process. If you reduce this number to 0, no R or Python code can be run, and the SQL Server Launchpad service will not run. The minimum number of users you can have and have the launchpad service still run is two, but changing the users to that low number is not recommended as those processes are needed to run Machine Learning Services to rn. If you have more than 20 concurrent R or Python processes running, SQL Server will wait until one of these threads is no longer in use and once one is free, will use it to call another process. While the process is running you may see some GUIs or other non-decipherable data appear in the folders for a user. The garbage cleanup runs soon after to delete anything that is in the folder, as they will eventually all be empty. What does the Launchpad Service do and what does that have to do with Machine Learning Services and SQL Server? Well, the short answer is the launchpad.exe is used to call R and Python.
SQL Server Internal Machine Learning Components
To run R or Python code in SQL Server, you will need to execute an external script, which I talked about in the first post of this series. The following diagram illustrates what happens when that call is made and what executables are called. When a request to run R or Python code is received by the sqlservr.exe, using a named pipe, SQL Server calls the Launchpad.exe. Every time a stored procedure or call to run R or Python is requested an Rlauncher or Python process is run. Windows job objects to process the are also created if none exist, but if there are unused windows job objects initiated by a previous call and not presently in use they will be utilized.
The job objects containers will execute the code using the rterm.exe or Python.exe. The rxlink.dll processes messages to the BxlServer to process any SQL/R functions written in the R code, send monitoring information to the SQLPAL, create XEvents. The Python35.dll will run the python code. If the Python code is using the revoscalepy library it will call the SQLPAL to create XEvents to use it. Otherwise it will call the BxlServer and call the sqlsatellite.dll to send and retrieve data from SQL Server. The data is sent back to SQL Server from the sqlsatellite.dll back to SQL Server. The named pipe used to call launchpad.exe is created internally and is not part of any other named pipe process. The launchpad.exe uses the User IDs to call R or Python external processes. The R and Python code is executed outside of SQLPAL and the processed data is returned by sqlsatellite.dll to SQL Server.
Hopefully this post answered the questions you had about what SQL Server is doing when you run Machine Learning Services. If you have any additional questions, please let me know by asking me on twitter @desertislesql or leaving me a comment on this post.
Yours Always
Ginger Grant
Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur
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