
PolyBase – Another Method for Creating a Stretch Database in SQL Server 2016

PolyBase, which was released with SQL Server 2016, provides another method to access live data either locally or in the cloud, very similar to the SQL Server Stretch database feature. Polybase can also provide the ability to provide a more cost-effective availability for cold data, streamlines on-premises data maintenance, and keeps data secure even during migration. Polybase differs from Stretch database in a few ways, as the SQL must be different, the speed is noticeably slower, and it is a lot less expensive. The cost is significantly less because storing data in a Azure blob store starts at 1 cent a month and Stretch database starts at $2.50 an hour. In this post,I will show how to take data which was archived due to the age of the data, which was created in 2012 and store it in an Azure Blob Storage file which will be available via Polybase when I needed.

Implementing a PolyBase Stretch Database

PolyBase is an optional feature of SQL Server 2016, and the Instance Feature PolyBase Query Service for External Data needs to be selected as part of the installation process. Two services are ssmsexternalinstalled with the feature, SQL Server PolyBase Engine and SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement. Both of these services must be running and TCP/IP must be enabled for PolyBase to work. Either check for those services or run the query SELECT SERVERPROPERTY (‘IsPolybaseInstalled’) AS IsPolybaseInstalled; which will return a 1 when PolyBase has been installed. The next step is to tell SQL Server what the external source is by configuring which Hadoop Connectivity will be used.

EXEC sp_configure ‘hadoop connectivity’, 7;

To use Azure Blob Storage, there are 3 different options, 1,4 and 7, which include the ability to access blob storage. These options also allow for various other Hadoop engines to be accessed as well. I have selected 7, which also allows me to use Hortonworks on Linux. For more information on the connectivity options, check out this link. A secure database ke is required to make the connection a well. The next step is to let SQL Server know where exactly the blob storage data is stored, which creates an entry in the External Data Sources. PolyBase needs to know how the data is formatted, which will be stored in an External File Format. By definition, Hadoop data has no schema, so a schema is going to have to be created and stored in an external table. The location for each of these items is stored within SQL Server Management studio as shown here.

This code will create a secure key using a password I made up


A PolyBase will need the Azure Blob Storage key to be able to make a connection.

WITH IDENTITY = 'user', Secret = 'lEGL66LiK2KE2U0WEb435PH15BwFOInrHqQ1AJigjoRVfEOrOge+TLbBNu861cqbC+a26io92o5sw/b+OTD/C4w=='; --Note: Replace with your Blob Storage key

LOCATION ='wasbs://', --This is the location of the folder inside blob storage containing my data
CREDENTIAL = AzureStorageCred

The data is stored in blob storage as a CSV, so I will need to create that file Format


Lastly, a table definition must be created for the file so that it can be accessed as a table

CREATE External TABLE OntimePerformance2012sampleall(
[DimAirlineKey] int,
[DimOriginAirportKey] int,
[DimArrivalAirportKey] int,
[DimCancellationReasonKey] int,
[DimDelayLengthKey] int,
[DimDepartureBlockKey] int,
[DimArrivalBlockKey] int,
[DimDistanceGroupKey] int,
[FlightDateKey] int,
[FlightNumber] varchar(50),
[ScheduleDepartureTime] int,
[ActualDepartureTime] int,
[DepartureDelayInMinutes] int,
[TaxiOutTime] int,
[TaxiInTime] int,
[ScheduleArrivalTime] int,
[ActualArrivalTime] int,
[ArrivalDelayInMinutes] int,
[ScheduleElapsedTime] int,
[ActualElapsedTime] int ,
[DistanceInMiles] int,
[CarrierDelayInMinutes] int,
[WeatherDelayInMinutes] int,
[NASDelayInMinutes] int,
[SecurityDelayInMinutes] int

(   LOCATION = '/OntimePerformance2012.csv',
DATA_SOURCE = AzureBlobStorage,


All of the external tables created can be found in the DMV sys.external_tables or by looking at sys.tables where the new column is_external is set to 1.  Once the setup of PolyBase is complete, I can query the external and internal tables all at the same time, like I do here.


SELECT count(*)
, r.cancellationReason
, d.CalendarYear
FROM dbo.CancellationReason r
JOIN dbo.OntimePerformance2012sampleall c
ON c.dimcancellationReasonKey = r.CancellationReasonKey
JOIN dbo.DimDate d
ON c.flightDateKey = d.DateKey
GROUP BY r.cancellationReason, d.CalendarYear

PolyBase Table Considerations

It is not possible to edit the data in PolyBase, as the data is stored read only. Also since the data is being pointed to externally, it cannot be indexed and querying it is not terribly quick. All of the data will be brought down and then filtered, unless PolyBase is configured to improve performance, which I will discuss in a future blog post.

PolyBase and Azure Blob Storage provides the ability to access data stored offsite in a secure location in a cost effective manner. If you saw my presentation on this topic at PASS Summit or have questions how to make it work in your environment, please contact me on twitter or write a comment on my blog.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

SQL Server 2016 Polybase Setup

After reading my last post you should be all ready to install SQL Server 2016 to be able to use Hadoop.  I went through all of these steps in my webinar, but I thought it might also be a good idea to include them here so you don’t have to watch the video.

Polybase Install Feature

When installing SQL Server in the Feature Selection List shown below,  PolyBase Query Service for External Data must be selected. SQL Server 2016 Polybase

To check to see if Polybase has been successfully installed, go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services.  There are two services added for polybase, SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement and SQL Server Polybase Engine, as well as  a bunch of other new ones for SQL Server 2016. The polybase services and SQL Server will need to be restarted in a later step.  When starting SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2016, it is hard to spot the differences between it and previous versions of SQL Server as even the icon looks exactly the same. Once you create a database for SQL Server, you will notice a slight difference under the tables folder. When polybase is installed there are two new folders, External Tables and External Resources. Data which is accessed via polybase will be stored under the External Files folder and the External Resources will contain the references to the external resources, the HDFS cluster where the data is stored, as well as the file formats of the underlying data.

Configuring Polybase on SQL Server

SQL Server needs to be configured to use polybase by using the sp_configure command

EXEC sp_configure ‚'hadoop connectivity', 5;

The number 5 indicates the kind of Hadoop connectivity desired.  If you were using HDInsight’s Azure Blob storage or Hortonworks on Windows, the number listed would be 4.  The number 5 indicates connectivity to Hortonworks Data Platform on Linux.  Go ahead and exit out of SQL Server as you will be restarting it soon.

Configuration File Modification

Open up your favorite text editor to modify the Hadoop.config file.  The default location is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\Polybase\Settings\Hadoop.config

Keep in mind, if you installed SQL Server with a named instance the path will include the name of that instance.  The config file contains a default password for Hadoop.  The password, which is initially set to pdw_user is probably a holdover from pre-2016 days when polybase was only available on Microsoft’s Big Data Appliance, the Analytics Platform System [APS] which was previously called Parallel Data Warehouse [PDW].  Hortonworks’ default password is hue, so you will want to modify the file so that the HadoopUserName has the right password, hue. I circled it below in a clip of the Hortonworks.config file.

Once the changes to the Hadoop.config file are saved, to get polybase to work, the last thing which must be done is to restart the two new polybase services and SQL Server 2016.

Setting up the External Data Source and External Data Files

At this point, we can now tell SQL Server where the Hadoop files are loaded. Open SQL Server Management Studio [SSMS] and create a new query to create the new an external data source, which is going to appear in the new folder, External Data Source.

LOCATION = 'hdfs://'

After running this command and refreshing, the source HDP2 will appear in the folder External Data Source ->Data Sources

SQL Server needs to know what the underlying data file formats of the data stored in Hadoop. Assuming the data is stored in a tab delimited format, this command will tell SQL Server how to read the tab delimited data and the format of the dates.  This will allow polybase to read a sample file which comes with Hortonworks, the file SAMPLE_07

DATE_FORMAT = 'MM/dd/yyyy'

SQL Server needs a schema to read the data, as it doesn’t know where the fields are without it. The following code creates a table which will appear under the External Tables folder in SSMS as well as load the data by telling it where the data lives and to use the file format which we just added.

code nvarchar(255),
description nvarchar(255),
total_emp int,
salary nvarchar(255)
LOCATION = '/apps/hive/warehouse/sample_07',
REJECT_TYPE = value,

After this step is complete, you can use the new table to join to data on SQL Server from inside a HDFS cluster.

I hope this helps you get started with using polybase with SQL Server 2016.  Let me know what you think by posting a comment.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

2016 Releases of SQL Server and Excel

It’s been 2016 for over a month now, so hopefully you are still not changing 2016your 5 into a 6 still. Chances are you haven’t changed your software to reflect the new year yet. Office 2016 came out in September of 2015 and SQL Server 2016 hasn’t been released yet. It’s hard to keep up with all of the version changes that have come out, especially when you throw in Power BI which is has something new every month. If you know you are going to be upgrading to one or both of these versions, or want to learn more about SQL Server or Excel so you can decide if  is worth the upgrade effort, this week I might be able to help out. I am going to be talking about the 2016 version of SQL Server on Wednesday, February 10 at the Arizona SQL Server User Group meeting and then talk about the 2016 version of Excel on Thursday at the Excel BI SQL Pass Virtual Chapter. If you are not in Arizona right now, you are missing out as we are having Department of Tourism weather of 80 degrees. You can get back to me in August when I am melting in the 115 degree heat.

Polybase in SQL Server 2016

Since there are many new features to talk about in SQL Server 2016, I picked Polybase. As big data matures many places are looking to keep their structured data right where it is and create an HDFS cluster to store other data. Polybase allows SQL Server 2016 users to look at both all in one place.

Excel 2016

It’s been a while since September 22, 2015, the date Office 2016 was released , but I still know very few people who have upgraded. I’ve been to a few clients that hope to upgrade to Excel 2012 this year. In this session, I will show where things got moved and renamed, what’s new and what is on the deprecated list. If you don’t have 2016 installed yet, or if you do and wonder where Power Query went, please join me to hear all about it. Generally speaking, the Virtual Chapters are posted on Youtube, and when they are I will have a link available. Unfortunately for those who attended my last Excel BI Virtual Chapter Meeting, due to technical difficulties that recording is not available, but hopefully this time everything will work.  When the recording is available I will make sure a link it is available on my blog for those who can’t make it.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

SQL Server 2016 and PolyBase

The next release of SQL Server, SQL Server 2016 is continuing with a convention which was employed in previous releases, which I call the Cadillac release system.  At General Motors, in the past new features were first offered on their most luxurious brand, Cadillac, and if these features prove successful, they are rolled out to Buick and the rest of the product lines.  Microsoft does the same thing.  Their ‘Cadillac’  is the PDW [Parallel Data Warehouse], Microsoft’s Data Appliance. One notable example of this release model was the addition of column store indexes to SQL Server. Column store indexes were first available on the PDW, or APS as is was known then, and Microsoft later added column store indexes to SQL Server 2012. Later that same year, at SQL PASS Summit 2012, I heard about a really neat feature available in the PDW, PolyBase. The recording I heard is available here, where Dr. David DeWitt of Microsoft explained PolyBase in great detail. I have been waiting to hear that PolyBase was going to be released to SQL Server ever since.  On May the Fourth, 2015, Microsoft announced the preview release of SQL Server 2016. Listed in the release announcement was the feature I’d been waiting for, PolyBase.

Sqoop Limitations

PolyBase provides the ability to integrate a Hadoop cluster with SQL Server, which will allow you to query the data in a Hadoop Cluster from SQL Server. While the Apache environment provided the Sqoop HadoopSqoopapplication to integrate Hadoop with other relational databases, it wasn’t really enough. With Sqoop, the data is actually moved from the Hadoop cluster into SQL Server, or the relational database of your choice. This is problematic because you needed to know before you ran Sqoop that you had enough room within your database to hold all the data. I remembered this the hard way when I ran out of space playing with Sqoop and SQL Server. From a performance perspective, this kind of data transfer is also, shall we say, far from optimal. Another way to look at Sqoop is that it provides the Hadoop answer to SSIS. After all Sqoop is performing a data move, just like SSIS code. The caveat is SSIS is generally faster than Sqoop, and provides a greater feature set too.

Polybase – Hadoop Integration with SQL Server

Unlike Sqoop, PolyBase does not load data into SQL Server. Instead it provides SQL Server with the ability to query Hadoop while leaving the data in the HDFS clusters. Since Hadoop is schema-on-read, within SQL server you generate the schema to apply to your data stored in Hadoop. After the table schema is known, PolyBase provides the ability to then query data outside of SQL Server from within SQL Server. Using PolyBase it is possible to integrate data from two completely different file systems, providing freedom to store the data in either place. No longer will people start automatically equating retrieving data in Hadoop with MapReduce. With PolyBase all of the SQL knowledge accumulated by millions of people becomes a useful tool which provides the ability to retrieve valuable information from Hadoop with SQL. This is a very exciting development which I think will encourage more Hadoop adoption and better yet, integration with existing data. I am really looking forward SQL Server 2016.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur