Fabric Features not found in Azure Synapse or Power BI – Data Wrangler

Fabric Features not found in Azure Synapse or Power BI – Data Wrangler

The second element in my series on new Fabric Features is Data Wrangler. Data Wrangler is an entirely new feature found inside of the Data Engineering and Machine Learning Experience of Fabric. It was created to help analyze data in a lakehouse using Spark and generated code. You may find that there’s a lot of data in the data lake that you need to evaluate to determine how you might incorporate the data into a data model. It’s important to examine the data to evaluate what the data contains. Is there anything missing? Incorrectly data typed? Bad Data? There is an easy method to discover what is missing with your data which uses some techniques commonly used by data scientists. Data Wrangler is used inside of notebooks in the Data Engineering or Machine Learning Environments, as the functionality does not exist within the Power BI experience.

Step-by-step Data Wrangling

The example I am going to walk through here uses the public holiday sample dataset, which you can load by clicking on the Use a sample button with Data Engineering, and selecting Public Holidays. Once you create a lakehouse with the sample data, you can follow along with the steps in this blog for doing your own data wrangling.

From within the Data Engineering Environment, select the notebook from the + New dropdown menu to create a new notebook. You will need to add some data to the lakehouse inside of the new notebook. To do this, click on the green Add button in the lakehouse section of the screen to add your Public Holiday Lakehouse. After the lakehouse is loaded, you will have two file folders, if you click on the one labelled Files, you will see two more folders. Click on the folder called sample_datasets, which makes it turn green and you will see a list of files in the sample_datasets pane which opens up. If you click on the ellipse menu next to public_holidays.parquet, you will see a popup window. In that window, select Load data and you will see two options, Spark and Pandas. The screen image shows what it looks like.

When Fabric was first released, the only option available for Data Wrangling was pandas, which is not Spark compliant. For more information regarding Pandas, check out my blog on Koalas where I cover why you don’t want to use pandas. I am very happy to see the Spark dataframes option as it is spark compliant, and can then take advantage of Spark’s superior memory and data management. However all of the generated code is pandas, and then converted to Spark. Data Wrangler will use Pandas no matter which option you select. We are now going to need to run this code which was generated for us so the data is loaded in a Spark DataFrame, by going to the Run menu and selecting Run all. This will start up the Spark cluster and run the code. You can look in the bottom left corner to see when it is complete.

Once you see the data you can start wrangling it. Go the Data tab and select Transform DataFrame in DataWrangler, then select the dataframe which was created for you, df.

Using Data Wrangler

In the Data Wrangler screen which is pictured here, you will see several interesting items. The first is at the top of the screen, where it lets you know that this code is pandas, but the code will be converted to pySpark when you leave Data Wrangler, but everything here will be pandas. This is important as if you end up with code you want to use, you can just use the generated code because it will be spark compliant. The top of the screen looks a lot like something you might see within Power Query if you have all the view items checked. Data Wrangler also shows missing and distinct as well as the top 3 values. On the left side of the screen there is a list of tasks which will generate code for you. I am going to select the first two of them, starting with Drop Duplicate Rows, which you can see in the screen shot image. This will immediately generate a line of code to drop the rows across all columns, but nothing will happen until the Apply button is clicked, which I will do so the code will be run. The applied steps are called cleaning steps and they appear on the bottom left side of the screen. Even if a step is applied it is not removed from the list, which seems odd. I am going to select the next option which is to delete missing values, and I am then prompted with a dropdown box to select which columns I want to drop if missing. I am going to pick all, then apply the change. At this point, since I completed the first two items, I don’t have anything missing as I deleted everything, so the next two steps will do nothing , as there is nothing missing. Clicking the option preview code for all steps allows me to see the generated code.
 If I want to run this code every time I get this dataset, I want to add it to a notebook, so I will select add code to notebook. Now in my notebook, I want to add pySpark code, which is different than the pandas code generated. Optionally I can add Pandas code, but I see no reason to do that. A popup window will appear showing me the code, at which point I can just click on the add button. The generated code is added to my notebook, saving me the tedium of having to write common code like this.

Data Wrangler is another automated tool which will write code for me similar to what I might expect if I was using Co-pilot. Data Wrangler contains decision making options and is generated based on my thoughts around which would be the best option in a given scenario. I can always return to Data Wrangler to add other steps or make different selections from the operations I chose. This tool can be really useful and I plan on using it to clean up my data in Notebooks.




Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

Exploring Azure Synapse

In the past few months, I have been examining Azure Synapse and what it can do.  When it was first released in November of 2019, the first functionality that was rolled out was an update of Azure SQL DW.  For this reason, many people think that Synapse is just an improved version of a cloud data warehouse.  Microsoft did improve SQL DW when it moved it to Synapse.  The biggest architectural design change is the separation of the code from the compute, a theme with many web projects, which allows the compute power to be increased when need dictates and scaled down when computing needs change.  Within Synapse, resources are allocated as Pools and you can define a sql pools to run data warehouse and later change the compute to a different resource.  You will still need to partition your DW as large datasets require partitioning to perform well.  Subsequently Microsoft Released the Azure Synapse Studio to be a container for a larger environment of tools and notebooks to interact with them.

Non-Data Warehouse Elements of Azure Synapse

To me the more interesting parts about Azure Synapse have nothing to do with data warehouses.  Azure Synapse also contains the ability to query files stored in Azure Data Lake Gen 2 as if they were SQL files. This is a great way to analyze large data without first cleaning it up and putting it into a relational environment. Within Synapse you can formulate a query using syntax for selecting parts of files, providing the ability to look at many files as if they were one. You can also create processes which bring data into your synapse environment using Orchestration, a process that people who are familiar with Azure Data Factory will find very familiar. Synapse also contains the ability to analyze data in Cosmos DB without doing ETL or moving the data at all using a scalable architecture which will not impact the transactions being processed simultaneously on the same Cosmos DB.

Azure Synapse and Spark

Check out the promotional video here

By far the most interesting component of Azure Synapse is the Spark connection. Microsoft has added the ability to create Spark Pools into Azure Synapse.  To be honest I was somewhat surprised that this functionality is included here first and not in Azure Machine Learning, where to use Spark you need to access clusters created them in Databricks.  Spark provides the ability to dynamically scale resources when running processes.  This is very handy when writing machine learning code which can really use the performance improvements Spark brings.  Because this is Microsoft’s Spark, you can also write your code to access it in .Net if you like, in addition to the more common Spark Languages, Scala, R or Python.  You can also incorporate the AutoML API created for Azure Machine learning in R and Python so that you can use the power of Azure to select your algorithm and hyperparameters instead of spending time doing it yourself.

Getting up to Speed with Synapse

There is a lot to learn when it comes to Synapse as it combines a lot of different components into one environment. As more and more data is being migrated to the cloud, it is uniquely designed to handle both big data components containing raw data, managed data lakes as well as more traditional data warehouse needs.  It can also be the location where all of the data is processed, secured, cleaned and analyzed using Machine Learning. There is a lot to cover and since it is new, there is not a lot of places yet where you can learn more about it.  If you are interested in a deep dive on Azure Synapse and how to use it in a Modern Data Warehouse, sign up for my precon at PASS Summit 2020 where I will cover the topic in depth.


Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

Using Koalas in Spark

koala getting hlep from a Firefighter

The Apache Spark open source organization maintains all of the documentation for Apache Spark, which is a set of APIs which are used in Databricks and other big data processing applications.  The documentation provides the detailed information about the libraries, but the instructions for loading libraries in Databricks are not exactly the same as are used in Databricks, so if you follow the Spark installation instructions, you will get nowhere. If you follow the steps listed you will be up and running in no time.

Installing Options – Cluster or Notebook ?

If you are not using a ML workspace you can add in using dbutils like this.

Unfortunately if you are using an ML workspace, this will not work and you will get the error message org.apache.spark.SparkException: Library utilities are not available on Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning. The Koalas github documentation  says “In the future, we will package Koalas out-of-the-box in both the regular Databricks Runtime and Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning”.  What this means is if you want to use it now

Most of the time I want to install on the whole cluster as I segment libraries by cluster.  This way if I want those libraries I just connect to the cluster that has them. Now the easiest way to install a library is to open up a running Databricks cluster (start it if it is not running) then go to the Libraries tab at the top of the screen. My cluster is called Yucca, and you can see that it is running because the circle next to the name is green.

After you are on the Libraries table you will see two buttons.  Click on the one labeled Install New.  A window will appear.  Select the library source of PYPI and in the Package text box enter the word koalas.  Then click on the install button.

Install Databricks LibraryThe installation may take a few minutes.  When it is complete you will see a green  status circle and the word installed.

After this you are ready to use the new library, once you import it as shown here.


Why do I want to install Koalas in Databricks?

If you have written Python code for Machine Learning, chances are you are using Pandas. Pandas dataframes are practically the standard for manipulating the data in Python.  They are not however part of the Spark API.  While you can move your Python code over to Databricks without making any changes to it, that is not advisable.  Databricks is able to scale pandas, so adding more resources to your code may not improve the performance.  When writing Python code for Databricks you need to use the Spark APIs in order to ensure that your code can scale and will perform optimally.   Prior to April of 2019, that meant that you had to use Spark dataframes and not pandas dataframes, which could involve a bit of rework when porting code as much code was written in pandas.  In April of last year Koalas was added to Spark, meaning that changing code to use a pandas dataframe to a koalas dataframe means that you only have to change one word. Koalas contains all of the functionalities of a pandas dataframe, so if you are familiar with one you can use the other.

More About Koalas

koala getting hlep from a Firefighter

Photo Credit:New York Fox 5

It is impossible for me to load the library without thinking about the Australian Bush Fires which are burning the homes of people and Koalas.  If your finances allow it, please consider donating to the firefighters as I am sure they can use help to save the homes of people and animals in Australia.



Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur


Reviewing Azure Databricks and Data Lake Analytics

Databricks is a recent addition to Azure that is greatly influencing the technology choices that people are making when determining how to process data.  Prior to the introduction of Databricks to Azure in March of 2018, if you had a lot of unstructured data which was stored in HDFS clusters, and wanted to analyze it in a scalable fashion, the choice was Data Lake and using USQL with Data Lake Analytics.  With the introduction of Databricks, there is now a choice for analysis between Data Lake Analytics and Databricks for analyzing data.

Analyzing Data with Data Lake Analytics

Data Lake Analytics offers many of the same features as Databricks.  You can write code to analyze data and the analysis can be automatically parallelized to scale.  Microsoft has released a new version of Data Lake, which they are calling Data Lake Storage Gen2 to improve the performance of analysis performed with Data Lakes.  The difference, between the old version and the new one, is the hierarchical namespace to Azure Blob Storage which provides an indexing capability which means that operations can be performed on a directory rather than enumerating through all of the data.  Data stored within a Data Lake can be accessed just like HDFS and Microsoft has provided a new driver for accessing data in a Data Lake which can be used with SQL Data Warehouse, HDinsight and Databricks.  With Data Lake Analytics, the data analysis is designed to be performed in U-SQL. While it supports R and Python libraries, users of the technology will need to get up to speed on U-SQL which is a lot like C#.  This knowledge needs to be learned. Since U-SQL is so new, only a few years old, there is not a large number of people who are familiar with it.

Analyzing Data with Databricks

When analyzing data with Databricks, there are three different languages which you can use: R, Scala, and Python.  Data can be read in from a variety of different Azure Storage options, including Blob Storage, Data Lake, and by using a JDBC connection. You can also connect to Azure SQL DB, as well as Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Since there are three different languages which can be used, there is no reason to learn a new language as most people are already very familiar with at least one of the three supported languages.

In addition to the ability to develop code, Databricks offers some other features which are not found in Data Lake Analytics.  Many projects anticipate that people are going to be working in teams and will need to have an environment to share code and version it.  This capability is baked into Azure Databricks as it provides an environment for sharing data with others and natively saving the data to a GitHub repository.  The development environment is Jupyter Notebooks which provides a great way to document the code and include data samples, all at the same time.  Databricks also includes a job schedule component so that work created in Databricks can use a native scheduler which has the ability to retry and send configurable messages on error or completion.  These additional features, plus the ability to code in a language which is already widely used in the industry, give Databricks the edge in determining which technology to use going forward.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

Preparing for Exam 70-774 – Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure Machine Learning

There are a number of reasons why you might want to take a Microsoft cert exam. Maybe you want to focus your studies on a tangible thing, or you think it will help further your career, or you work for a Microsoft Partner and they required a certain number of people to pass the exam to maintain their current partner status.  I am not going to get into the long argument regarding whether or not a cert will help you in your career, or not, I can tell you why you might want to take the 70-774 exam. Machine Learning, or Data Science if you prefer, is an important analytic skill to have to analyze data.  I believe that it will only become more useful overtime. Azure Machine Learning is a good tool for learning the analysis process.  Once you have the concepts down, then should you need to use other tools to perform analysis it is just a matter of learning a new tool.  I talk to a number of people who are trying to learn new things, and the study them in their spare time.  It’s very easy to spend time vaguely studying something, but you may find that having a target set of items to study will focus your time, and as a bonus you get a neat badge and some measure of proof that you were spending time on the computer learning new things and not just watching cat videos.

Exam 70-774 Preparation Tips

While you could always buy the book for the exam (shameless plug as I was one of the authors), the book will not be enough and you will still need to write some code, and do some additional studying. This exam one of two needed for the MCSA in Data Science and you an take the exams in any order. The best place to start is by first looking at the 70-774 exam reference page from Microsoft.  There are four different sections in the exam, and I have created some links for each section which will help you prepare for the exam. In studying for exams in the past, the best way I have found to prepare is to look at everything on the outline and make sure that I know it.

Prepare Data for Analysis in Azure Machine Learning and Export from Azure Machine Learning

Normalizing Data



Min Max



Canonical-correlation analysis (CCA)

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Develop Machine Learning Models

Team Data Science


Confusion Matrix

Ordinal Regression

Poisson regression

Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Squared Error

Cross Validation

Operationalize and Manage Azure Machine Learning Services

Connect to a published Machine Learning web service

Use Other Services for Machine Learning

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit


Streamline development by using existing resources
Perform database analytics by using SQL Server R Services on Azure

I hope you have found this test preparation material helpful.  If you passed the exam, let me know by sending me a comment.

Yours Always,

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

Azure Machine Learning Workbench

Microsoft released Azure Machine Learning Workbench at the Ignite conference on September 25, 2017 as a public preview.  This tool is a new tool which they are adding to their Azure ecosystem, which includes the machine learning tool they introduced three years ago, Azure Machine Learning Studio. Microsoft has said they plan on keeping both products. When asked about the two products, they said that the earlier tool, Azure Machine Learning Studio, is targeted to developers who wanted to add machine learning to their current applications, as it is an easy to use tool that doesn’t require a person to be a trained data scientist.  Azure Machine Learning Workbench is targeted to data scientists who want to bring in other libraries, like TensorFlow for Python, and delve deep into the data.

Microsoft Moves into Machine Learning Management

Microsoft is looking for Azure Machine Learning Workbench for more than a tool to use for Machine Learning analysis. It is part of a system to manage and monitor the deployment of machine learning solutions with Azure Machine Learning Model Management. The management aspects are part of the application installation.  To install the Azure Machine Learning Workbench, the application download is available only by creating an account in Microsoft’s Azure environment, where a Machine Learning Model Management resource will be created as part of the install. Within this resource, you will be directed to create a virtual environment in Azure where you will be deploying and managing Machine Learning models.

This migration into management of machine learning components is part of a pattern first seen on the on-premises version of data science functionality.  First Microsoft helped companies manage the deployment of R code with SQL Server 2016 which includes the ability to move R code into SQL Server.  Providing this capability decreased the time it took to implement a data science solution by providing a means for the code can be deployed easily without the need for the R code to be re-written or included in another application. SQL Server 2017 expanded on this idea by allowing Python code to be deployed into SQL Server as well.  With the cloud service Model Management, Microsoft is hoping to centralize the implementation so that all Machine Learning services created can be managed in one place.

Hybrid Cloud, Desktop, and Python

While you must have an Azure account to use the Machine Learning Workbench, the application is designed to run on a locally on either a Mac or Windows computer.  There is a developer edition of the tool so that one can learn the tool and not incur a bill, which is the case with the previous product, Azure Machine Learning.  The download of Machine Learning Workbench must be accessed within an Azure account and is installed to your local computer.  When running the application from your computer, the application will prompt to log into your Azure account to load Azure Machine Learning Workbench.

The application is designed to use and create Python code.  Azure Machine Learning Workbench does not contain any accommodation to incorporate machine learning components written in R, just Python.  If you have created machine learning components using R, they can be incorporated into the Azure Machine Learning Model Management if you create webservices which encapsulate the R code. The R code does not interface into Workbench, but can be made to be a part of the managed projectes in Azure. While it is possible to create a webservice for R with the earlier product with Azure Machine Learning, there is no direct way to include R with Azure Machine Learning Workbench.  There are a number of sample templates to get started using Python templates including the ubiquitous Iris dataset, Linear regression and several others.   Once the project is created, you can use your favorite IDE, it creates python code which can be read anywhere.

Staying within Machine Learning Workbench application allows you access to arguably one of the neatest parts of the Machine Learning Workbench, the data parser. This tool which was originally code-named project Pendleton and designed to be an intuitive way to modify the contents of data even better than the previous leader in parsing data, Power BI’s Power Query.

You can select the option “Derive column by example” or “Split Column by Example” and then start typing in a new column.  For example, if you want to separate a column which contains the date and the time, if you right click on that date column and select “Split Column by Example” then type the date in the new column provided, the application will immediately determine that you want two columns and crate them. The date column and a time column be created for you after typing in one date.  After the sample columns have been created, you can approve the change or reject it if does not work how you want to.

Like Power Query, each change made to the data is included in the window called Steps on the right side of the application window. When you are done modifying the data, right click on the Data Preparations source icon, which in my example is called UFO Clean, to and the UI changes made to the data are used to create Python code to perform the changes. The generated Python code can be used to the source data programmatically.

The next step in the process is to write the python code needed to evaluate the data and create a model which would in my case determine where and when you are most likely to see the next UFO based on the dataset I have included in my project.  Unlike it’s counterpart Azure Machine Learning, you will need to know how to write the necessary code needed to create a machine learning analysis in Python for Azure Machine Learning Workbench. One could write the Python code to create a machine learning analysis in any Python editor.  If you chose to use Azure Machine Learning, the Python library scikit-learn is installed as part of the application.  Other libraries which you may want to use, such as the common library matplot, you will need to load within Azure Machine Learning Workbench.

Web Service: How Azure Machine Learning Workbench Solutions are Deployed

To deploy a package, you will need to export the completed model serialized Python object, with the Python Module, Pickle. This will create a file with the suffix of pkl, which is the file that you will be deploying. Azure Machine Learning Workbench expects that you will be deploying via Docker containers or creating an Azure cluster.  You will need to register the Docker container in the Machine Learning Container for it to be deployed.

Yours Always,

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services Part 3 – Internals

After you have installed SQL Server 2017 with Machine Learning Services, you may notice a couple of interesting things.  One is that by default you will have 20 new users created.  These user ids are  by default named MSSQLSQLServer01, MSSQLSQLServer02, MSSQLSQLServer03… MSSQLSQLServer20, but if you have a named instance, like I have called SQLServer2017, the users are named with the named instance.  There is a subdirectory created for each User ID with is by default located in  \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ExtensibilityDataExternal .  You do not want to remove these User IDs or rename them.  You may be wondering Why do you have all of these User IDs to use Machine Learning Services and what are they for? Keep on reading to find the answer

SQL Server Launchpad and User IDs

When calling external processes, internally SQL Server uses User IDs to call the Launchpad service, which is installed as part of Machine Learning Services and must be running for SQL Server to be able to execute code written in R or Python.  The number of users is set by default.  To change the number of users, open  up SQL Server Configuration Manager by typing SQLServerManager14.msc at the run prompt. For some unknowable reason Microsoft decided to hide this application which was previously available by looking at the installed programs on the server.  Now for some reason they think everyone should memorize this obscure command. Once you have the SQL Server Configuration Manager open, right click on the SQL Server Launchpad service and select the properties which will show the window, as shown below.  You will notice I am running an instance called SQLServer2017 which is listed in parenthesis in the window name.

SQL Server 2017 Launchpad Configuration

Clicking on the Advanced Tab shows an entry for External Users Count, which is shown highlighted. This value is set by default to 20 users.  This means that 20 different threads can concurrently call an R or Python process.  If you reduce this number to 0, no R or Python code can be run, and the SQL Server Launchpad service will not run.  The minimum number of users you can have and have the launchpad service still run is two, but changing the users to that low number is not recommended as those processes are needed to run Machine Learning Services to rn.  If you have more than 20 concurrent R or Python processes running, SQL Server will wait until one of these threads is no longer in use and once one is free, will use it to call another process. While the process is running you may see some GUIs or other non-decipherable data appear in the folders for a user.  The garbage cleanup runs soon after to delete anything that is in the folder, as they will eventually all be empty. What does the Launchpad Service do and what does that have to do with Machine Learning Services and SQL Server? Well, the short answer is the launchpad.exe is used to call R and Python.

SQL Server Internal Machine Learning Components

To run R or Python code in SQL Server, you will need to execute an external script, which I talked about in the first post of this series.  The following diagram illustrates what happens when that call is made and what executables are called.  When a request to run R or Python code is received by the sqlservr.exe, using a named pipe, SQL Server calls the Launchpad.exe. Every time a stored procedure or call to run R or Python is requested an Rlauncher or Python process is run.  Windows job objects to process the are also created if none exist, but if there are unused windows job objects initiated by a previous call and not presently in use they will be utilized.

The job objects containers will execute the code using the rterm.exe or Python.exe. The rxlink.dll processes messages to the BxlServer to process any SQL/R functions written in the R code, send monitoring information to the SQLPAL, create XEvents.  The Python35.dll will run the python code.  If the Python code is using the revoscalepy library it will call the SQLPAL to create XEvents to use it. Otherwise it will call the BxlServer and call the sqlsatellite.dll to send and retrieve data from SQL Server.  The data is sent back to SQL Server from the sqlsatellite.dll back to SQL Server.  The named pipe used to call launchpad.exe is created internally and is not part of any other named pipe process.  The launchpad.exe uses the User IDs to call R or Python external processes. The R and Python code is executed outside of SQLPAL and the processed data is returned by sqlsatellite.dll to SQL Server.

Hopefully this post answered the questions you had about what SQL Server is doing when you run Machine Learning Services. If you have any additional questions, please let me know by asking me on twitter @desertislesql or leaving me a comment on this post.


Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur




SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services Part 2 – Memory Allocation

SQL Server 2017 fundamentally changed the underlying structure of SQL Server for reasons that had nothing to do with Machine Learning Services.  Understanding this new architecture will help you configure SQLServer to optimally run R and Python. When Microsoft set out to get SQL Server to work on Linux, the goal was to provide the nearly 30 years of development effort to a new operating system without having to re-write all of the code used to make SQL Server run on the Linux operating system. For SQL Server 2005, Microsoft created a SQLOS, which created an abstraction layer between the hardware and SQL Server.  This abstraction layer allowed SQL Server to take advantages of hardware changes by expanding the capability of SQL Server to take advantage of hardware changes even when the operating system had not implemented all of the code needed to fully implemented it. From a practical perspective, this mean when you configured SQL Server internally to use 100% of all available memory, this didn’t mean all of the memory on the server, it mean 100% of the memory allocated to SQL Server.

For SQL Server 2017, Microsoft created the SQL Server Platform Abstraction Layer [SQLPAL].  Like SQLOS before it, SQLPAL abstracts the calls to the operating system. It implemented the ability to be operating system independent by separating SQL Server Code from the operating system by creating abstraction layer between SQL Server and the Operating system which includes the management of memory, processing thread and IO. This layer of abstraction provides the ability to create one version of SQL Server code which can then be run both platforms, Linux or Windows operating systems.  SQL PAL manages all memory and threads used by SQL Server.

Machine Learning Resources and SQL Server Memory Allocation

Enabling Machine Learning Services on SQL Server which I discussed in a previous blog post, requires you to enable external scripts.  Machine Learning Services are run as external processes to SQLPAL. This means that when you are running Python or R code you are running it outside of the managed processes of SQL Server and SQLPAL.  This design means that the resources used to run Machine Learning Services will run outside of the resources allocated for SQL Server.  If you are planning on using Machine Learning Services you will want to review the server memory options which you may have set for SQL Server.  If you have set the max server memory For example, if your server has 16 GB of RAM memory, and you have allocated  8 GB to SQL Server and you estimate that the operating system will use an additional 4 GB, that means that machine learning services will have 4 GB remaining which it can use.

By design, Machine Learning Services will not starve out all of the memory for SQL Server because it doesn’t use it.  This means DBAs to not have to worry about SQL Server processes not running because some R program is using all the memory as it does not use the memory SQL Server has allocated.  You do have to worry about the amount of memory allocated to Machine Learning Services as by default, using our previous example where there was 4 GB which Machine Learning Services can use, it will only use 20% of the available memory or  819 KB of memory.  That  is not a lot of memory.  Most likely if you are doing a lot of Machine Learning Services work you will want to use more memory which means you will want to change the default memory allocation for external services.

SQL Server Resource Allocation

SQL Server manages all resources using the application layer, SQLOS. SQLOS is the interface between SQL Server and all of the underlying hardware resources, including of course memory.  Using the Resource Governor within SQL Server it is possible to allocate the resources used by specific processes to ensure that no single process will for example use all the memory, starving out other processes running on the machine. Configuring and using Resource Pools provides more important functions such as production applications to be allocated the majority of the SQL Server resources used by the SQLOS. This will ensure for example that an ad-hoc reporting query will not adversely impact the primary application.

Machine Learning Services Resource Allocation within SQL Server

The allocations for the Resource Governor for all SQLPAL functions can be found by running

SELECT * FROM sys.resource_governor_resource_pools WHERE name = 'default'

By default, the max cpu, memory and cpu cap are all set to 100 percent. To look at the resource allocation for Machine Learning Services, you will need to  look at the the external resource pools.

SELECT * FROM sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools WHERE name = 'default'

By default, the maximum memory that Machine Learning Services can use, outside of the memory that has been allocated to SQL Server, is 20% of the remaining memory. If the processes running require more memory, the allocated percentage amounts for memory and external pool resources may need to be adjusted. The following settings will decrease the overall memory settings for SQLOS and increase the memory allocated to external processes from 20% to 50%

ALTER EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL "default" WITH (max_memory_percent = 40);

Using our previous example of 4 GB of memory available after the memory allocation to SQL Server and the OS, the memory available for Machine Learning Services would go from .819 GB to 2 GB.  Setting resources for the external resource pool will in no way impact the resources SQL Server uses.  If you run the previous queries listed above you will see the changes made to the external pool while the standard resource governor pool is not changed.

Determining How Much Memory is needed for Machine Learning Services with SQL Server

How do you know how much memory SQL Server needs for Machine Learning Services? Well since I am a consultant I feel compelled to say, it depends.  Given the relative newness of the Machine Learning Tools, there are not any really good guidelines as the memory which you are using greatly depends on the complexity and quantity of the R or Python code you are running as well as how much data these processes are running against.  It also depends what language you are using.  R is more memory intensive than R and unless you are using the Rx functions which are a part of the Machine Learning Services service, will not swap items in and out of memory. The best way to determine how much memory you are using is to monitor its use over time, and the best way to do that is to create a process for monitoring the external resources.

Best Practice Method for Monitoring Machine Learning Services Resources

Creating resource pools for machine learning to monitor use over time is considered a best practice method for ongoing monitoring of resources. The following code will create an external resource pool for processes running Machine Learning Services and classifying the resources run to use it. If you are familiar with setting up resource pools in SQL Server, this process is the same, it just needs to be applied to external resources as well to use the external resources. To monitor the Machine Learning Services, the first step is to create an external resource pool called ML_Resources instead of just using the default. I am going to allocate all of the external resources to it.

CREATE EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL ML_Resources WITH (max_memory_percent = 100);

The next step in the process is to create a workload group.  The workload group, named MLworkloadGroup  in the code, is used as a container to hold processes which have been classified as ML processes.

CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP MLworkloadGroup WITH (importance = medium) USING "default", EXTERNAL "ML_resources";

The next step is to create a function for classifying processes running as R or Python so that they can be monitored in the workload group.

USE master
RETURNS sysname
WITH schemabinding
IF program_name() in ('Microsoft R Host', 'RStudio', ‘Python’, ‘Pythonw’) RETURN 'MLworkloadGroup';
RETURN 'default'

Once the function has been created, then the Resource Governor is directed to use the function so that all of the Python and R code are monitored in the external resource pool and turns on the Resource Governor with the reconfigure command.

ALTER RESOURCE GOVERNOR WITH (classifier_function = dbo.is_ML_app);

Going forward, all processes running R or Python will be classified and use all available memory.  After these steps are completed, you can obtain performance information from the DMVs sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pool and  sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups by creating a query like this

USE master
SELECT a.session_id, a.login_name,  b.name
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS a
JOIN sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups AS b
ON a.group_id = b.group_id


Using the Windows Performance Monitor, you will now be able to take a look at the resources being used for Machine Learning Services and can then determine how much memory is needed based upon actual usage on the server.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services Part 1- Installation

With the release of SQL Server 2017, you now have the capability to incorporate both R and Python into SQL Server. As there  is a lot of material on the topic, this is the first post in the series which covers installation.  In future topics we will be covering the internal components, monitoring a R and Python code to determine performance impact on SQL Server, creating and maintaining R code, creating and maintaining Python code, and other related topics.

Installing Machine Learning Services

R was first introduced in the SQL Server 2016 and it was called R Services.  For SQL Server 2017, this same service was renamed to Machine Learning Services, and expanded to include Python. In the install there are three options, installing the Machine Learning Services, then selecting R and/or Python as you see in the attached picture.

Why you want to select Machine Learning Services(In-Database)

There are two installation options:  In-Database or Standalone.  If you are evaluating Machine Learning Services and you have no knowledge of what the load may be, start by selecting the Machine Learning Service In-Database.  There are several reasons why by default you want to select the In-Database option. One of the problems that Microsoft was looking to solve by incorporating advanced data analytics was to improve performance of the native code by greatly reducing data latency.  If you are analyzing a lot of data which is stored within SQL Server, the performance will be improved if the data does not need to be moved around on a network. Also, the licensing costs of installing R Server standalone also need to be evaluated with a Microsoft representative as well. An evaluation of the resource load on the network, as well as analysis of the code running on SQL Server should be performed prior to the decision to install the Machine Learning Server Standalone.

Internet Access Requirements for installing R and Python

The Machine Learning Service is an optional part of the SQL Server Install.  Because R and Python are both open source applications, Microsoft cannot include the R or Python executables within the install of SQL Server.  The executables must be downloaded from their respective locations on the internet, and the installation process is a little different if there is no internet access.  Each language has two installs, one for the executable and one for the server. If you do not access to the internet on the server where you are installing SQL Server 2017, you can download the files needed for the install.

Here are the links for SQL Server 2017 CU2.

Microsoft R Open

Microsoft R Server

Microsoft Python Open

Microsoft Python Server

If you are installing a different version, use the links provided on the Offline Installation screen. These links each will download a .cab file.  You will need to copy the cab files to a location where the server can access them and provide the path in the Offline Installation window.


What is Installed with Machine Learning Services

Machine Learning is an external process and communicates with launchpad.exe to access either R or Python.  For a quick check to see if the Machine Learning Services were installed, look for the SQL Server Launchpad service in the list of running services. It will also create by default 20 different external users which are used to call R or Python. There will be a subdirectory created for each user, with the name of the SQL Server instance name, which is by default MSSQLSERVER, followed by a number 00-20.  These subdirectories have nothing in them, as they are used temporarily when R or Python needs them and the information in them is eventually deleted by SQL Server. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ExtensibilityData.

The R tools are located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\R_SERVICES directory, and include RLaucher.dll which will load R.  If you want to run R on the server, which can be handy when updating R libraries, run the RGUI.exe, which will load up an interface where you can run R code.  In SQL Server 2017 CU2, Microsoft R Open 3.3.3 is installed along with R Server 9.2.0.  Microsoft R Open is a version that is 100% Open Source and completely compatible with the standard Open Source version of R, which is commonly referred to as Comprehensive R Archive Network [CRAN] R.  Microsoft rewrote some of the underlying functions so that they would be multi-threaded, which R is not, and incorporate the Intel Math Kernel libraries to improve the performance.   R Server is the version of R which contains the proprietary functions which Microsoft created for SQL Server which include the ability to load code in and out of memory, which will be discussed in a future post.

The Python tools are located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\PYTHON_SERVICES directory, and include Pythonlauncher.dll which will load Python 3.5. The installation includes the Anaconda distribution for Python, which includes not only the data science components of Anaconda, but also SciKitLearn and Pandas.  Microsoft has also included machine learning algorithms which were created for Python in the microsoftml and revoscalepy libraries.  There is a lot of interesting content will be discussing more about these libraries in a later post.

Configuring SQL Server to Run R or Python

Once the Machine Learning components are installed, there are some configuration steps which must be completed to permit R or Python to run on SQL Server.  If this is a new server, make sure to install SQL Server Management Studio, since it is not included in the SQL Server Install. From within an SSMS query window, the following script needs to be run to enable R

SP_CONFIGURE 'external scripts enabled', 1

After this step completes successfully, a restart of SQL Server Services is required.  When stopping the service, you will be notified that SQL Server Launchpad also will need to be restarted.  I have noticed that for  some reason, Launchpad does not always restart when SQL Server is restarted, so you might want to check to make sure that it is running, as you cannot run R or Python unless the SQL Server Launchpad service is running.  After the restart, to check to see if R is working properly, run the following code from within an SSMS query window.

EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language =N'R',
@script=N'OutputDataSet <-InputDataSet',
@input_data_1 =N'SELECT 1 as CheckToSeeIfRIsWorking'
WITH RESULT SETS (([CheckToSeeIfRIsWorking] int not null));

When run successfully, this script will return a 1. SQL Server is now ready to run R.  To check to see if Python can be run successfully, run this script.

EXEC sp_execute_external_script  @language =N'Python',
@script=N'OutputDataSet = InputDataSet',
@input_data_1 = N'SELECT 1 AS CheckToSeeIfPythonIsWorking'
WITH RESULT SETS ((CheckToSeeIfPythonIsWorking int not null));

In my next post I will cover the SQL Server internal components which are run when R or Python code is run.  Please subscribe to my blog to be notified when the next installment will be available. If you have any questions, comments or ideas for future post topics, please leave me comments as I would really enjoy any feedback.

Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur



Applying Data Science to SQL Server

Data has been getting a lot of attention in the business world for a while now. First there was big data, which was another way to store data so that later the data could be analyzed. Recently the talk has been all about analyzing the data with new tools such as R and Python. The reality is that people who have been working with databases doing work in business intelligence have been analyzing data for a while. Learning a different toolset for analyzing data is not such a big leap, but an expansion of what they know.

As the field is rapidly expanding now, and demand is huge, now is a great time to learn the tools. With the advent of more advanced software, it seems essential to create fast and reliable processing mechanisms. In addition, concepts such as Web3 seem to be developing and becoming realities at an accelerated rate. Data plays an essential role in the development of such marvels of information technology. It is high time companies consider combining traditional data science tools, like MATLAB, Apache Spark, and SQL, with modern tools, like web3 sql. This could help them organize and process the data at relative speeds while reducing data analytics costs.

Traditional Data Science Development

Data scientist have created analysis solutions with data for a number of years. The data is analyzed, cleaned, processed with various algorithms, and results are created. When the process is complete, code has been created to provide meaning from a portion of the data and is ready to be migrated to production. Traditionally there has been a big gap between creating a solution and implementing the solution to be run against data on a regular basis. Data Scientists traditionally are not part of the IT organization, they are actuaries or analysts, not the people who have anything to do with system processing. Recently I did some work for a company and after the data scientists were done creating a solution, they turned over all of their code to the Java team. Six weeks later the code was released into production. This solution made no one happy. Management thought it took too long. The data scientist didn’t believe that the code that they created was what was implemented into production, and the java developers were tired of people blaming them for wrong code which required a long time to implement.

SQL Server Implementation of Data Science

Since SQL Server 2016 incorporates R and SQL Server 2017 has added the ability to include Python code into SQL Server, data science solutions can be incorporated as part of a scheduled process with SQL Server. There is now a dev ops solution for incorporating R and Python into SQL Server. One way of learning about the technology is through blogs and other online training which can help you get up to speed. Many times though there is no substitute for hands on learning. If you are attending PASS Summit 2017, and want to learn not only about data science, but how to incorporate it into SQL Server, I hope you can sign up for my all day training session on Applied Data Science for the SQL Server Professional. I hope to see you there.

I have recently created a You Tube channel where I plan on sharing more data related content where I have included my first video about this conference.

If you are at PASS Summit, please introduce yourself as I would love to meet people who read my blog personally.


Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur