Calculated Tables and Role-Playing Dimensions with role playing dimensions, which are found when you have say multiple dates in a table and you want to relate them back to a single date table, have always been problematic in SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular. Tabular models only allow one active relationship to a single column at a time. The picture on the left shows how tabular models represent a role playing dimension, and the model on the right is the recommended method for how to model the relationships in Analysis Services Tabular as then users can filter the data on a number of different date tables.

TabularRolePlaying dimension Modeling



The big downside to this is one has to import the date table into the model multiple times, meaning the same data is imported again and again. At least that was the case until SQL Server 2016 was released. This weeks TSQL topic Fixing Old Problems with Shiny New Toys is really good reason to describe a better way of handling this problem.


Calculated Columns: The solution for Role Playing Dimensions

SQL Server 2016 provides a new method of solving the role playing dimension problem, using a calculated column. Instead of copying in the source from the date table, instead create a formula to get a copy. First switch to the data view, of the model. Then select Table->New Calculated Table. ThSSASScreenCalcTablee screen will change to the new table screen and the cursor will be pointed to the formula.

In my model I have one table called date. I am going to add a calculated table called order date. The DAX is couldn’t be simpler. Just select the table named ‘Date’ which is shown in the picture below. Rename the table to something more meaningful, like Order Date and that is it. The modeling required is the same, but now the model size does not increase to accommodate all of the date tables needed, as there is only one copy of the date table referenced multiple times. If you are using Power BI this same concept can be used for handling role playing dimensions as well.

SQL Server 2016 had a lot of great new features, and in addition to the flashy ones like R there are a lot of great enhancements to the Tabular model that are worth investigating as well.


Yours Always

Ginger Grant

Data aficionado et SQL Raconteur

3 comments on “Calculated Tables and Role-Playing Dimensions

  1. Pingback: Calculated Dimensions – Curated SQL

  2. Chris

    Hi, thanks for the great post. Doesn’t adding calculated tables increase the size of the model just like adding calculated columns increases the size of the model?

    1. Ginger Grant

      Chris —
      In answer to your question regarding adding a calculated table, while it does increase the size of the model, it increases the size of the model less than adding in another date table from the source. Due to the fact that Power BI does not allow for role playing dimensions, and the best solution is to add another date table, adding it via a calculated table is the best possible solution in that scenario.

      Thank you very much for reading my blog and for your very good question.


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